Qualitative research; unlike other types of research aims to display the information as it is. But, how can one tell whether a qualitative study is of a high quality or not? There are doctoral scholars who are aware about the special characteristics of best qualitative studies.
Well, the basic traits of high quality qualitative research studies include the ones mentioned below:-
Here is a checklist for evaluating the quality of qualitative research:
I am sure after getting familiar with the above mentioned points; you would surely have got an exact idea about the means of checking the quality of the qualitative research process. So, the next time, you complete the qualitative data analysis method; make it a point to check its quality thoroughly.
- Specified research questions
- Defined and justified sample
- Valid Data Collection
- Interpretations based on data
- Appropriate analytic methods
Here is a checklist for evaluating the quality of qualitative research:
- Data collection methods must be reliable and valid and accompanied by supporting evidence of their accuracy. The researchers use various methods to ensure the 100% authenticity of methods that have been used while collecting research data.
- The study should include proof of a rigorous research design. Techniques such as triangulation are being used for strengthening the quality of the qualitative research methods.
- Sound sampling methods should be explicit. Accurate methods should be used to bolster the link between the characteristics of the sample and its size and any groups to whom the researchers want the findings to apply.
- The analysis methods must be carefully explained. Since qualitative research produces voluminous data, it is absolutely essential to ensure that the right data analysis methods are being put to use.
I am sure after getting familiar with the above mentioned points; you would surely have got an exact idea about the means of checking the quality of the qualitative research process. So, the next time, you complete the qualitative data analysis method; make it a point to check its quality thoroughly.